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Bonding lettering to glass

  1. If letters or glass are dirty, clean well with soap & water and allow to dry completely.
  2. Clean surface of the glass and the rear of the letter with NovaBond Surface Cleaner.

IMPORTANT: Ensure you use the solvent in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines. For Novabond Surface Cleaner instructions please refer to packaging or contact us.

  1. Prime the surface of the glass with Silane Glass Primer and the rear of the letters with the correct NovaBond Surface Primer.
  2. If possible, apply the industrial adhesive tape to your letters under shopfloor conditions. This makes cleaning easier, and the controlled temperatures will create a better bond.
  3. You may find it easier to roll out the high strength bonding tape and apply the letters directly onto the exposed adhesive. Cut round each letter carefully with a sharp scalpel or knife and then turn the letter over and apply firm pressure by means of a NovaBond Roller or laminator to expel any trapped air bubbles.

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