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Bonding To Glass using NovaBond XS100C

Bonding To Glass using NovaBond XS100C


  1. With the benefits of no curing time and being quick and easy to apply, tapes can be advantageous when bonding to glass
  1. When bonding to glass at temperatures below 10°C, there is a risk of condensation forming on the surface which will prevent bonding. If this is the case, apply gentle heat from a hot air gun or hair dryer in order to warm the surface to above 10°C taking care not to overheat and crack the glass.
  1. Glass can be a difficult surface to bond to as it is very flat and smooth but can trap impurities and moisture in the fine surface pores. For this reason we always recommend priming with NovaBond Silane Glass Primer allowing this to dry and act, either naturally, or by speeding up the process in cold temperatures by, again, applying warm air.
  1. It is probably worth making up some removable markings to ensure that the letters are correctly aligned prior to fixing as the adhesive is not very forgiving.
  1. We always recommend applying the tape to the lettering first and where possible, under shop floor conditions where cleaning is easier, the ambient temperature is more controlled and the tape has a chance to bond well into the surface prior to fixing to the glass.
  1. You may find it easier to roll out the tape and apply the letter directly onto the exposed adhesive. Cut round the letter carefully with a sharp scalpel or knife and then turn the letter over and apply firm pressure by means of a NovaBond Roller to expel any trapped air bubbles.
  1. Apply the lettering whilst the glass surface is still warm and condensation has not had chance to reform on the surface. Start to remove the liner (around 50 – 75mm) and peel out to the side of the letter and line up the letter correctly.
  1. Then apply firm pressure, preferably from one side of the letter in one direction so as to avoid trapping any air bubbles, and peel out the liner.
  1. The resulting bond will initially achieve around 60 – 70% bond strength and this should be sufficient to support the weight of the lettering. The adhesive will continue to flow, however, reaching ultimate bond strength in 48 – 72 hours. If in doubt, apply some strong masking tape to support the letters until the NovaBond XS100C  has achieved ultimate bond strength.


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If you have any questions, please contact us at enquiries@innovasolutions.co.uk for further information.


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