After over 12 years of loyal service Michael Thompson, our Customer and Technical Support Manager, will be retiring on the 25th October. Michael has always been the first person to answer the phone and offers all our customers technical support and assistance when required. Michael joined the Innova team in 2007 and was our 5th member of staff. Innova have enjoyed exponential growth year on year and we now currently employ 16 people at our offices in Lancashire. Michael has always been at the end of the phone in the office and I am sure many of you will have spoken to him over the years. Customers, suppliers and staff will miss him when he retires.
Janet Strickland will join our team on the 28th October and will replace Michael Thompson as the ‘voice of Innova’. Janet has many years’ experience in customer services, and I am sure you will give Janet a warm welcome when she joins the team later this month.
It’s been a very busy year at Innova with 4 new members of staff joining us in just 12 months, whilst some appointments are replacing old faces, some are new positions that we have created due to company growth. We have expanded our sales team by 2 new members. Helen Ryder joined us last November to look after our existing customers in the North and Joe Lacey has just joined the team to take an active Field Sales role – be sure to look out for him over the coming months. Both Helen and Joe have a vast amount of customer service knowledge and they are here to ‘Make Life Easier’ for our customers. So if you have a technical bonding application give us a call for product support and advice.
Summer appears to be over and we are well and truly into Autumn now here at Innova Solutions! We have our fabulous Halloween Promotional giveaway running for the whole of October, if you have not seen this offer yet, please click on this link. Or pick up the phone to say a quick goodbye to Michael.
All that is left to say is farewell to Michael and rest assured that Janet will continue to give you the best possible customer service, however she has big shoes to fill!!!