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News - Picking the Right Tape for the Job?

Picking the right tape for the job?

Which tape for which surface - getting the right tape for the job

The NovaBond SignFix range is a high performance family of bonding tapes formulated and developed specifically for the demanding needs of the Sign Industry, although, by their nature, they are versatile enough to perform under most application criteria. Independently tested by Loughborough University, these products exhibit industry leading performance in terms of peel and shear values.

Use the following matrix selection chart to identify which is the correct tape for the substrates you are bonding together.

NovaBond Product versus Substrate Matrix

SubstrateOpaque Plastics♠Clear Plastics ♠L. S. E. Plastics ♠BareMetals ♣Painted Metals♠Glass♦Primed Concrete
Opaque Plastics ♠XS 110WXS 100CLSE 80XS 110WXS 110WXS 100CSG80
Clear Plastics ♠XS 100CXS 100CLSE 80XS 100CXS 100CXS 100CXS 100C
BareMetals ♣XS 110WXS 100CLSE 80XS 110GXS 110WXS 100CSG80
Painted Metals ♠XS 110WXS 100CLSE 80XS 110WXS 110BXS 100CSG80
Glass ♦XS 100CXS 100CLSE 80XS 100CXS 100CXS 100CXS 100C

For bonding bare metals prior to powder coating or for very high temperature applications, abrade surface, clean and use NovaBond SignFix XS110W in conjunction with NovaBond Metal Surface Primer.

For difficult, low surface energy plastics or waxy, powder coatings, prime surface with NovaBond LSE Surface Primer, preferably abrading prior to application, and use NovaBond SignFix LSE 80.

For bonding to glass, clean well with NovaBond Surface Cleaner and prime with NovaBond Glass Primer


Select product thickness depending on substrate surface irregularities and gap-filling required. Optimum thickness is the minimum that will allow 100% surface contact which defines the ultimate bond strength.

PRODUCTColourLinerThicknessesWidthsRoll lengths
NovaBond XS100CWater clearRed filmic0.25m,1.0mm12, 19 & 25mm33m
NovaBond XS110WWhiteRed Filmic1.0mm12, 19 & 25mm33m
NovaBond LSE 80Water clearClear Filmic0.8mm12, 19 & 25mm33m
NovaBond SG80Scrim reinforced translucentWhite Paper0.75mm12, 19, 25, 38 & 55mm50m


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Please contact us at enquiries@innovasolutions.co.uk for further information or to discuss your application.

Click HERE to link through to our full product range.

Innova Solutions: bonding people, fixing problems: +44 (0)1282 867 390


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